The Force of Loss

1 min readMar 6, 2019

I invented the force, the hegemony of forces.

I’m farthest from the first to have done it,

but only I have made it code for how I conduct.

The Force, A ravenous force, a never-ending taste for the bland.

The faucet gushing every path leading straight to my skull.

The rules of loss are simple;

You’re a treasurer before you own it.

You get comfortable upon ownership and

You value or resent it when it’s gone.

My loss is different.

I am already acquainted with the new owner.

Even though I suppressed, what’s not meant for me will not be.

I have not only lost ownership of it but I have lost rights to myself.

Mourning both losses,

Trembling at the thought of what the month would yield.

A loser, I may have let you obstruct my vision.

Is it the body dysmorphia? or the probable results of our bodies collisions that have me fixated on my reflection?

Have I once again convinced my body to forget hunger?

Or Are these food aversions because I am scared that the probability may show?

I lost control of my temple, it has worshipped false idols.

Idols who will not make sacrifices in return and for that, I am crossed.

I flung logic out the window with such haste,

I numbed the voice of reason and for now,

It feels like loss lessens lessons.

